A ligação CPU_FAN é para a ventoinha de arrefecimento do CPU (em casos de arrefecimento a ar), a CPU_OPT é uma ligação opcional, usada principalmente para ligar a bomba de refrigerador em casos de refrigeração por líquido, e as SYS_FAN (boa parte das motherboards têm mais que uma) são para as ventoinhas da caixaCHAI FAN CHA3 FAN CPU OPT FAN SATA Information Pl WDC WD1600AAJSOOL7AO (1600GB) N/A N/A N/A N/A Intel Rapid Storage lèchnology CPU FAN Manual Fan Tuning Default(F5) XMP FAN Profile CPU FAN 1273 RPM CH FAN CH FAN Disabled (142MB) Boot Menu(F8) save & EXit(FIO) Advanced M0de(F7) LIEFI BIOS Utility EZ Mode English EZ Tuning Wizard(F11) · A CPU fan serve para voce conectar a FAN (ventoinha) do processador Irá alimentar e fornecer dados (a velocidade em RPM, rotações por minuto) para a placamãe (voce pode ver esses dados na BIOS, opção HARDWARE MONITOR) Já o POWER FAN
Smart Fan Configuration
Cpu opt fan n/a
Cpu opt fan n/a- · W teorii CPU_FAN jest od dmuchania w chłodzenie, a CPU_OPT jest do konfiguracji pushpull W praktyce obie to wtyczki do wentylatorów, które są inaczej podpisane Zazwyczaj są one powiązane ze sobą (podnosząc obroty na CPUFAN zwiększasz je także na CPU_OPT) Warto sprawdzić ile jedna wtyczka wstanie uciągnąć (Amper lub Wat) · Właściwie, to CPU fan powinien być podłączony jako wentylator, który pracuje ze zmienną prędkością, nie stałą Jeśli działa na tych samych obrotach to jazda do BIOSU grzebać!
Hola a todos tengo una placa asus sabertooth 990 fx r2,quiziera saber cual es la funcion del conector CPU_OPT,este se encuentra a un lado del CPU_FAN Gracias CPU FAN · List of Intel® Core™ Boxed Desktop Processors Shipped without Fan Heatsink The table below lists the Intel® Boxed Desktop Processors that are shipped without cooler (no fan heatsink) These processors listed below are unlocked processors In general, the processors shipped with standard fan heatsink, but not for the ones listed below*Le ventole devono essere collegate ai seguenti header per il controllo del raffreddamento AI CPU_FAN / CPU_OPT / CHA_FAN / M2_FAN / H_AMP / RAD_FAN Monitoraggio continuo AI Cooling continua a monitorare il sistema e regolare la velocità della ventola in base al carico corrente
When you see the error message "CPU FAN Error" in POST, it means the system doesn't detect the FAN You can refer to the steps below to resolve the issue 1 Please make sure the CPU FAN is installed on the right position of the motherboard and twist the screws tightly 2 · The only fan that it shows me the rpms is the cpu opt fan at 13 rpms The cpu fan says n/a along with all the others I open up my case and the fans seem to be running fine, but why arnt they shown I don't know a lot about computers and I just got this one custom built My bios is also saying the cpu is 32 C Is this temp ok at start up Also, why are my fans saying N/A, and is the cpu opt fan my cpu · En général le CPU FAN et CPU OPT sont utiliser pour les ventilateurs destinés à refroidir le CPU CHAN FAN est lui plutôt destiné aux ventilateurs du boitier
· Ahoj, tak před 14 dny jsem si kupoval novou sestavu Důležité části pro můj dotaz Deska Gigabyte Z97D3H CPU i5 4690k Chladič Noctua NHU12P SE2 Když jsem si v Easytune hrál s nastavením ventilátorů, narazil jsem na problém, že jakýkoliv ventilátor ve zdířce CPU_FAN (box, noctua, fractal) nelze regulovat SYS_FANy, i CPU_OPT jdou regulovat krásně, ale protě hlavníAs long as actual CPU Fan is on the main / primary CPU fan header for obvious reasons As you want the proper alert and such if there is a real issue with actual CPU fan · 6) CPU_OPT (Water Cooling CPU Fan Header) The fan header is 4pin and possesses a foolproof insertion design Most fan headers possess a foolproof insertion design
The CPU FAN header is exactly what it says A typical PC would have a single CPU and a heatsink mounted on top of it with a fan TNotificação da placa mãe P5KPLAM, deixo um adendo que foi trocado o cooler do CPU, conectado corretamente no CPU FAN mas persistiu o erro · Check the CPU fan's settings in BIOS It can occasionally be used to troubleshoot tech issues and to make sure everything is as it should be Open BIOS, then select Advanced Settings > Hardware Monitor > CPU Fan Enable Active Heat Sink and Fan Duct with Fan Disable Passive Heat Sink and Fan Duct without Fan
Connect one fan to CPU Fan 1 and the other to CPU Fan 2 / OPT Four Radiator Fans via YSplitters Connect one adapter to CPU Fan 1 and the other adapter to CPU Fan 2 PUMP Its recommended that the pump be connected to an alternative fan header on the motherboard such as System Fan 1, Chassis_Fan 1, or for newer motherboards a dedicated pump · And here are some common steps for you to take as references Step1 Enter the BIOS screen by clicking F2, F12 or Del buttons after rebooting your computer Step2 Click Power tab and highlight Hardware monitor option from the poppedout list Step3 Select CPU FAN SPEED option and change it into IGNORED Step4 · Case fans are the stock once from Nzxt H440, they are plugged into the fan hub on the back off the motherboard, and my PSU cooler is connected on my motherboard I belive Updated Anyone has any ideas?
· CHA_FAN的第四针标注的是5V,第四针标准为5V的接口是可以对3pin风扇进行调速的。 2、主次不同 FAN是主接口,通过BIOS设置(支持的话)可以调节风扇的转速之类。 OPT则是支持一部分散热器的第二个风扇,有些CPU散热器是有双风扇。 3、服务对象有所不同 CPUFANWhich header CPU_OPT or CPU_Fan Currently I have a Gigabyte Aorus X570 Elite I also have the NZXT x63 280mm cooler The cooler instructions say to connect the Pump 3 pin connector to the CPU_FFan; · → lsslss AI Suite 3 只支援CPU_FAN/CHA_FAN CPU_OPT不行 01/15 1548 → lsslss 但CPU_OPT可由BIOS控轉(需4PIN風扇) 01/15 1548 推 hix 藉標題一問,t40的燈有辦法從bios關掉嗎,單純好奇 01/15 1616
Jeśli działa na tych samych obrotach to jazda do BIOSU grzebać!Cpuファンコネクタに隣接する cha_fan , cpu_opt 各ファンのコネクタに誤ってcpuファンを接続する例が増えています。 マニュアルを確認のうえ正しいコネクタへの接続を行い、再起動して動作をご確 · If your CPU fan stop working, it may also because the bearing of the CPU is stuck after a long time use This is a common problem which will happen during 1 or 2 years 5 CPU Fan is Broken CPU fan is a component, which might be broken after being used for several years Usually, if the CPU fan is broken, it will stop running
· Evet "Cpu Opt" girişine kasa fanı takabilirsin sorunsuz çalışır Ram hakkında sorduğuna gelirsek, görsel bir anlatım ile "Asus" rehberlik etmiş durumda buradan izleyebilirsin ASUS North America 222K subscribers · Nein, Du könntest zusätzlich zum CPUKühler noch einen Kühler (zB Gehäuselüfter) anschließen Na toll, jetzt kommt aber immer (noch) die Fehlermeldung "OPT_Fan Error" beim hochfahren Danach muss ich dann immer ins BIOS oO Und beim Systemstart kommt immer gleich am Anfang eine rote Warnmeldung auf, die ungefähr so aussieht "OPT · Das solltest du umstecken den CPU Lüfter an CPU_FAN, den Gehäuse Lüfter an einen Gehäuselüfteranschluss Hintergrund 1) CPUFan wird Drehzal überwacht (Als Sicherungsfunktion falls der CPU Lüfter ausfällt) 2) Es wird nach der aktuellen Drehzahl nur ein Lüfter richtig geregelt (die beiden Ausgänge sind gleich)
· あと、cpu_fan,cpu_optはメモリに近いので見栄えが悪いのですが、ファンのコネクタをcha_fan,m2_fanには刺さないほうが良いのでしょうか。やはりcpu温度と連動させるためにはcpu_fanに繋げたほうが良い? 何卒宜しくお願いします。 mbasus z370f gaming · Anche in caso di dissi a liquido, puoi collegare la/e ventola/e a CPU_FAN e la pompa a CPU_OPT Generalmente i due connettori vengono gestiti in maniera sincronizzata, però ad esempio sulla mia mobo CPU_FAN è un vero connettore PWM (che quindi regola la velocità delle ventole in PWM), CPU_OPT invece le regola tramite voltaggio, quindi ha una regolazione meno fineBir de bu fan üzerinden şöyle bir uyarı var "for use in juction with passive cooler or water cooler only installing the opt fan with an active CPU cooler will interfere with internal cpu cooler airflow and endanger system stability" Tşk
Bonjour à tous , voila mon interogation je possede un antec 6 h2o qui pour le moment tourne avec un ventilateur noctua brancher avec la pompe de l'antec sur la prise cpu fan , a present je compte y ajouter un autre noctua en puss pull et le but est de brancher ce 2eme noctua sur la prise cpu opt mais je meYes of course Overall it really doesn't matter;На материнке есть cpu_opt,cpufan,cha_fan2 шт ,extfan,hamp_fan,aio_pumpc cha_fan все ясно, обычные разъемы под кулерыС cpu_opt,cpufan тоже для процов ,не ясно с extfan написано ,что можно подключить до 3 кулеров вопрос ,как
· The CPU OPT fan header is slaved to the main CPU fan header Its control cannot be set independently of the the CPU fan headerI installed and plugged in everything and booted up the pc I received a message saying CPU FAN ERROR press F1 to continue F1 takes me to the BIOS and it seems like my CPU Fan isn't being recognized The fan is running though I plugged the fan into some other fan slots and the BIOS recognizes the fan in the other slots · Bios settings, they are the same\identical for both headers cpu and cpuopt H90 doesn't have a second fan connector, actually doesn't have any fan connector it comes with just 1 pwm 140mm fan Also i dont risk to use a Y cable because these fan's have a high max input power 6,6 W 6,66,6=13,2W and the cpu header is 12W
CPU Fan your default Air Cooler connection CPUOPT obvykle při chlazení vodou máte 1–3 ventilátory, pokud se jedná o nastavení 2 ventilátorů, pak používáte CPU CPUOPT SYS Fan a další jsou pro více než jeden FAN Jako v přední části většiny případů nebo v horní části počítače Doufejme, že získáte obrázek Systémoví fanoušci aka SYS fanoušci jsou regulováni teplotami na · Why I see the error message "CPU FAN Error" in POST?/02/17 · Can i use a CPUOPT header for a regular case fan ?
· Da gibt es ja auch den Anschluss CPU OPT FAN Hab dort mal einen Lüfter angeschlossen Der läuft aber gleich mal so mit 1700 Umdrehungen Komischer weiße kann man dem im Bios nicht einstellen Es gibt da keinen Punkt dazu Ich hab eine Wasserkühlung die ich auch Push and Pul umstellen will Hab zwar die anderen Lüfter noch nicht, hab aber · the CPU optional fan is linked to the CPU fan, whatever the CPU fan is set to the CPU OPT fan will do the same Aftermarket 980Ti >= Fury X >= Reference 980Ti > Fury > 980 > 390X > 390 >= 970 > 380X > 380 >= 960 > 950 >= 370 > 750Ti = 360 · Beiträge cpu_fan = ist eben jenes, eben der lüfter des cpukühlers der opt ist der zweite mit dem gleichen ausgangssignal wie der cpu_fan, um ggf sachen ala caselüfter nach der cputemperatur zu steuern, auch wenn da svöllig unsinnig ist am cpu_fan sollte aber schon die korrekte lüfterdrehzahl anliegen vom lüfter, da sonst ggf
· Connect the pump power to to a SATA power connector, connect the pump control to the AIO header and let it run at 100% (the pump on 100% is very quit) Connect the 2 radiator fans to CPU and CPU_opt fan headers on motherboard Control the fans in the bios, set to turbo if overclocking the CPU, silent for a more quit system, or standard ThanksJust to clarify I can controle my CPU coolers fan, but not my 4 case fans They are N/A inn fan expert 3 asus software, and in my BIOS · CPU_OPT (OPTional) es un conector secundario con mismo propósito que el CPU_FAN pero sin la capacidad innata de regulación automática mediante temperatura de la CPU, ya que por norma comparten voltaje debido a este último Esto es un poco controvertido en ciertos modelos de placas base, ya que para ambos conectores muchas BIOS permiten la
Each header should support 34 fans without an issue Of course you would be controlling speed in groups this way All fans on a single header would be treated as a single speed group If you do use the CPUOPT header I'd plug the rear ran into it since it's closest to the CPU and could work in tandem with the CPU fan this way · cpu opt e sys fan Sobre o Clube do Hardware No ar desde 1996, o Clube do Hardware é uma das maiores, mais antigas e mais respeitadas comunidades sobre tecnologia do Brasil/10/15 · Su ana kadar yaptiklarimi hatirlamiyorum ama BIOS'a girince sunu fark ettim Hangi fanlarin takili oldugunu ve ne kadar hizda donduklerini gosteren bir kisimda"CPU FAN N/A" onlySMOKE Konu 14 Ekim 17 bios cpu fan cpu fan error cpu opt cpu opt ional fan cpu speed error help soğutucu yardım Mesaj 5
· Możesz spokojnie podłączyć pod CPU_FAN i ustawić stałe RPM w BIOS 3Zazwyczaj dla konfiguracji pushpull Możesz "zsynchronizować" obroty 2 wentylatorów podłącazonych pod CPU_FAN i CPU_OPT lub sterować nimi osobno Zablokować obroty też się daA quoi sert la prise cpu_opt ?However, on the motherboard theres a dedicated header named CPU_OPT that's meant for water cooling
Question > What's the difference between "CPU FAN" socket, "CPU OPT" socket, and a "SYS FAN" socket on motherboard?
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