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Substituting y 3 = t so the equation will be 1 3 d t d x ( 2 x 2 − 1) t 3 x ( 1 − x 2) = a x 3 3 x ( 1 − x 2) after this the integrating factor is 1 x 1 − x 2 But I am unable to solve it forward calculus ordinarydifferentialequations Share1 (i) Soln Let y = sin4x Let $\Delta $x and $\Delta $y ne the small increments in x and y respectivelyThen, Or, y $\Delta $y = sin4 (x $\Delta $x)Gradient of tangent = value of the derivative of 1/x^2 at x = 3, which is 2/27 Hence the equation of the tangent at x = 3 is y 1/9 = (2/27)(x 3) This at x = 0 gives y = 1/3 and at y = 0 gives x = 9/2 Hence the are of the triangle MON is (1/
The equation is in the form of math M(x,y)dx N(x,y)dy = 0 /math If the equation is exact then math \frac{\partial M}{\partial y} = \frac{\partial N}{\partialIf integrating factor of x(1 x 2) dy (2x 2 y y ax 3) dx = 0 is dx p e, then P i s equal to (A) ) x 1 ( x ax x 2 2 3 2 (B) (2x 2 1) 3 2 ax 1 x 2 (D) ) x 1 ( x) 1 x 2 (2 2 10 If dx dy = 1 x y xy and y ( 1) = 0, then function y is (A) 2 / ) x 1 (2 e (B) 1 e 2 / ) x 1 (2 log e (1 x) 1 (D) 1 x 11 Integral curve satisfyingClick here👆to get an answer to your question ️ solve x(1x^2)dy (2x^2y y ax^3)dx = 0
Substitute into the formula and simplify Interpret the answer We know that the gradient of the tangent to a curve with equation y = f (x) y = f ( x) at x = a x = a can be determine using the formula Gradient at a point = lim h→0 f (a h) − f (a) h Gradient at a point = lim h → 0 f ( a h) − f ( a) h We can use this formula to The General Solution to the DE y'' 4y' = 2x^2 is y = A Be^(4x) 1/6x^3 1/8x^2 1/16x There are two major steps to solving Second Order DE's of this form y'' 4y' = 2x^2 Find the Complementary Function (CF) This means find the general solution of the Homogeneous Equation y'' 4y' = 0 To do this we look at the Auxiliary Equation, which is the quadratic equation with the⇒ dy/dx {(2x 21)/ x (1x 2)} y = ax 3 / x (1x 2) Hence, clearly P is (2x 31)/ x (1x 2) Hence (D) is the correct answer 49 For solving dy/dx =4x y1, suitable substitution is (A) y = vx (B) y = 4x v y = 4x (D) y 4x 1 = v Solution The given equation can be solved by

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